One of the most newsworthy topics of late has been the extreme weather and how people around the New York area, and the country, are braving it. With temperatures reaching below freezing on most nights and winter storms wreaking havoc, St. Francis Food Pantries and Shelters is ready to assist the needs of our clients.
During the bitter cold weather Winter Coat Distribution is something that becomes even more vital than usual. With the assistance of our corporate-sponsored winter drives we have been able to provide clothing to hundreds of clients.
Our "Annual Dinner for the Needy" took place in late January and provided a warm meal to nearly 500 guests. On this winter afternoon, all were welcome to come and receive nourishment, share a laugh, meet others and know that they had the support of their community.
BNP Paribas employees took part in a unique team-building exercise that called for the use of canned and boxed food in an unconventional way. After all was said and done team members accomplished a small feat and 'paid it forward' by making a generous donation to St. Francis Food Pantries and Shelters.
Among our most active supporters from the corporate community (and our neighbor right across 34th Street) is Macy's. They sponsored two of our first "Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich Making Days" of 2014 with volunteers who prepared all of the PB&Js that anyone's heart could desire.
Our first program event of the year is "Thanksgiving in February" which takes place in late February. We are eager to reinvigorate the season of giving among our volunteers and provide our clients with a Thanksgiving Feast, and more. Stay tuned!